MVM NET Ltd. is a state-owned national company uniquely positioned in the Hungarian telecommunications market. MVM NET Ltd. also differs from other market players in that it has three core activities electrical-industry, government purpose and business related telecommunications. (For more information please see the Company History menu item.) Our organization has a strong capital base enabling it to operate several networks running simultaneously with different technologies at the highest professional level. Responding to various professional challenges and customer preferences, our company can provide high quality services, using various technologies, to both public and private segments of the market.
These technologies are as follows:
- SDH technology, managed by MVM NET Ltd., secures highly reliable closed industry data transmission
- WDM supports considerable business data transfer along with the transport functions of the NTG IP/MPLS backbone network
- IP/MPLS networks are used in various areas such as government, business and internet service provider settings
Our company is proud of its highly qualified engineers who provide their innovative knowledge to meet the ever-increasing professional expectations of management. The expectations generated by supplying a wide range of services automatically lead to the continuous technological modernization of the telecommunications network. At the same time, the replacement or renewal of the network offers an excellent opportunity to implement technologies not used thus far. Whether talking about SDH, WDM or IP/MPLS networks, the development engineers of MVM NET Ltd. are committed both professionally and personally to introducing the latest technologies.
Optical Backbone Network
Our company has a highly reliable passive optical backbone network. The optical connections are largely built where practicable on the electricity transmission backbone network. The optical fibers located in the protective conductors (OPGW) of the transmission-line, which are in alignment with the trace of the national electrical transmission system, ensure the high availability of the optical network. In the passive network operated by our company, the ADSS and traditional underground cable is based, mainly in urban areas. Our highly qualified engineers continuously monitor the optical connections that provide the backbone of the network. Hence error detection and is extremely fast due to the reduced troubleshooting time, which ensures the high service availability that is necessary.
SDH technology
The electrical industrial system-management related telecommunications needs of MAVIR Ltd., which is member of the MVM Group, are served by a fully configured redundant new generation SDH network. According to the safety standards in the industry, this network forms a closed circle whose greatest strength is its almost 99.99% availability.
MVM NET Ltd. is at the forefront in using a wide range of WDM technologies in Hungary. Our company was among the first ones to achieve the support of Lambda Switching and the introduction of 40G and 100G speed Ethernet services in the WDM network. In the case of WDM based leased line connections, in the MVM NET network, all the standard SDH framing, the standard Ethernet optical interfaces up to 100G, and the standard interfaces of the Fiber Channel, are supported. Moreover, the network is able to receive and forward alien wavelengths. In a nutshell, the WDM devices are able to receive the signals arriving from all optical client interfaces, to forward without blocking, and to continuously monitor the services.
Along with its business network, MVM NET Ltd. had built up the National Telecommunications Backbone Network (NTG) by the end of 2012. As a result of the unique greenfield investment, there was an opportunity to introduce novelties which would have been impossible to implement without changing all equipment if the operator were to do it as part of a network upgrade. The IP/MPLS networks are typically built on a “Seamless MPLS” technology extending the MPLS granted benefits all the way to the endpoint device. During the planning phase of the NTG, the native IPv6 support was already a key consideration in order to prepare for future challenges. Another expectation was the PTP (1588v2) support of devices, which gave MVM NET a chance to successfully participate in tenders in less familiar service areas.